Lapsang Souchong

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These are my Lapsang Souchong socks, written by AlterLace. They were a lot of fun to make, pattern wise. However, I don’t think I would make them again using the Angora Lace yarn. I adore how they feel on my feet, but my goodness that yarn was so frizzy and fluffy that I kept getting bits up my nose. It also drowns out the pattern a bit. The socks have a lovely lace pattern that this yarn isn’t showing as well as I would like it to. Thankfully the pattern showed for me to take the pictures, but a couple wearings of them has made them start to fuzz together. The pattern itself is a lovely lace design, so you will need to know how to do some basics, such as increases and decreases, yarn overs, and slipping yarn over other stitches. She outlines her special stitches well, so if you know the basics, you should be able to follow her directions well.


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